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Can You Get a Credit for Art in the 9th Grade 9th Grade Credit Requirements

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How to Be an Excellent Student is perhaps the most important course y'all'll e'er take – and so join in and learn critical, must-know skills and what you need to excel in ALL of learning – including how to listen and read actively for higher comprehension, how to have notes effectively, how to take tests in a timed setting, and more than. Note – this form is priced at a discount (no coupon needed!) – so arrive before it fills up!

Special Note:

Due to the popularity of this course, it is offered several times throughout the school year. Choose the dates and times that piece of work best for your family.

Full Classes: 4

Class Dates and Times: Monday, Tuesday, Midweek, and Thursday May nine, 10, 11, and 12. 11:30 AM Eastern (ten:30 Central, 9:xxx Mountain, 8:thirty Pacific)

55 minutes per class

Prerequisite: None

Suggested Class Level: 7th to 11th grade
Suggested Credit: One-tertiary of one semester credit. Add the credits of this form to any six- or eight-calendar week course for a full semester credit. Credits are adamant by the weeks and corporeality of work, so with completing all work for this course and a heavy-work half-dozen-week grade or a calorie-free-work 8-week form added completes the total semester credit. Fee: $47 for all 4 classes. (Registration closes ane week before the first day of form. Later on that engagement, registrations are not guaranteed. In that location is a $20 surcharge for late enrollments later on the course is closed.)

Instructor: Erin M. Chocolate-brown, MA, MFA

Course Description: In this grade, your educatee can gain the accented must-have expertise to go strong, confident, and able to study for whatever high school level form with success. Larn how to listen and encompass more how to effectively take notes how to read a text for its fundamental ideas how to study for tests how to approach textbooks in a style that cuts study time in one-half how to more effectively comprehend what you read and hear and what you lot need to do to score well on tests. Give your educatee what's needed to succeed!

Course Outline:

Grade 1: Agile listening and how to have notes effectively

Class ii: Active reading and how to study effectively

Class 3: Critical reading skills for comprehension

Class 4: Test-taking in a timed setting

Course Materials: All materials are provided free from the instructor.

Homework: This is a lecture course with approximately 2 hours of work per course (reading and computer-generated quizzes for immediate feedback).


Starts Starts: 5/ix/2022 11:30 AM

Ends Ends: v/12/2022 12:30 PM

Sessions Sessions: 4

Pricing Pricing:

Location Location:

Status Status: Closed

Class Size Class size: 32 seats

In this course, students volition learn the basics of Microsoft Excel. Excel is benign to students as it helps them to brand authentic calculations, build analytical thinking, visualize information, and more. Proficiency in Excel will help your pupil be successful in school and beyond. Sign up today.

Full classes:


Class Dates: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, May ix, x, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, and 19, 2022

Commencement: 1:00 PM Eastern (Noon Central, 11:00 Mountain, x:00 Pacific)

Duration per class: 60 minutes

Prerequisites: None. Note that students will need to accept the Microsoft Excel application installed on their computer. Excel for Windows is covered in the course. Students using Excel for Mac will even so do good from the course, but the user interface may exist different at times.

Suggested Course Level: 7th to 12th class

Suggested Credit: ½ semester Figurer Skills

Fee: $117 if yous register on or before March 15. $137 if you register after March 15 for all 8 classes. (Registration closes one week before the first day of class. Subsequently that date, registrations are not guaranteed. There is a $xx surcharge for tardily enrollments after the course is closed.)

Instructor: Domenico Ruggiero

Course Description: Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet application and i of the core components of the Microsoft Part suite of applications. It is capable of handling simple to avant-garde calculations, contains various graphing tools, provides pivot tables for data discovery, and utilizes Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) programming. (The topic of VBA programming is studied more deeply in Mr. Ruggiero's "Microsoft Office Automated Productivity with VBA Programming class" available in Unlimited Access.)

This grade focuses on the most utilized functions and capabilities within Excel to perform numerical assay. Students completing this form will emerge with a house understanding of the essential elements of Excel which is necessary for anybody that wishes to demonstrate proficiency in computer skills.

Course Outline: Topics are subject to slight change. These topics will exist covered in an interspersed manner throughout the course.

• Getting to know the Excel Interface

• Understanding cell references – Relative, Absolute, and Named Ranges

• Information types and Format options

• Entering formulas elementary to complex

• Logic weather (if-this-so-that)

• Goal seeking

• Pivot Tables

• Data Visualization: Charts and Graphs

• Avoiding pitfalls and evaluating equations

Course materials: Microsoft Excel application must be installed on the pupil's computer. Excel for Windows is covered in the class. Students using Excel for Mac will still benefit from the course, but the user interface may be dissimilar at times.

The instructor volition provide all other necessary materials costless to students. Recommendations for other resource will exist provided with no obligation to purchase.

Homework: A few online quizzes will examination understanding of the lecture topics. Two Excel files will be turned in (one per week) that will embrace a practical application of skills learned.


Starts Starts: 5/9/2022 1:00 PM

Ends Ends: 5/19/2022 two:00 PM

Sessions Sessions: 8

Pricing Pricing:

Location Location:

Status Condition: Closed

Class Size Class size: 25 seats

What can the game of chess teach united states beyond the game? Larn how to anticipate potential issues, focus and concentrate, visualize a sequence of actions, weigh options, and understand that actions have consequences. For both middle and loftier school students.

Total class meetings:


Class dates: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, May x, 11, 12, 17, 18, and nineteen

Starting fourth dimension: 10:00 AM Eastern (9:00 Central, 8:00 Mountain, seven:00 Pacific)

Duration of each course: 55 minutes per class

Prerequisite: none

Suggested grade level: 6th to 12th grade

Suggested credit: ½ semester Chess, Math, or Logic

Fee: $77 if you register on or before March 15. $97 after March 15 for all 6 classes. (Registration closes one week before the first day of grade. After that date, registrations are not guaranteed. There is a $twenty surcharge for late enrollments after the class is airtight.)

Instructor: Inshal Chenet

Course description: Chess is i of the oldest games, receiving acclaim from St. Thomas Aquinas to Chuck Norris. Chess has been shown to meliorate reading comprehension, math success, logic skills, and strategic thinking. In this grade, students will learn bones chess play, structure, the role of the pieces, and strategy. This volition teach them to anticipate potential problems, how to focus & concentrate, visualize a sequence of actions, weigh options, and empathize actions have consequences.

Course outline:

Class i: Introduction and how the pieces piece of work

Class 2: How to brand good exchanges and Checkmates

Class 3: Special moves and other rules

Grade 4: Chess openings

Form 5: The mid-game and the endgame

Class 6: How Chess Notation Works

Course materials: A chess set is brash, but not required.

Homework: Students volition complete simple chess puzzles and exercise games to cement lessons between classes. Expect to spend approximately xxx minutes per lesson, with optional work that tin accept an boosted xxx minutes.

Starts Starts: five/ten/2022 10:00 AM

Ends Ends: v/xix/2022 11:00 AM

Sessions Sessions: 6

Pricing Pricing:

Location Location:

Status Status: Closed

Class Size Grade size: 25 seats

Enter the cute world of dirge, where prayer and music merge into one glorious art grade. Find out why Gregorian chant is so important, larn the nuts of reading and singing it, and tape your ain performance of a traditional Latin prayer. Bring this sacred tradition from the monasteries and convents of the Middle Ages into your dwelling house and aid carry on the music of the Church!

Number of class meetings:


Class dates: Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, May xvi, 17, eighteen, 23, 24, and 25, 2022

Kickoff: two:30 PM Eastern (i:thirty Primal, 12:30 Mountain, 11:30 Pacific)

Duration of each course: 45-55 minutes

Prerequisite: Some familiarity with singing and/or reading music is preferred just not required.

Suggested course level: 9th to 12th form

Suggested credit: ½ semester Music or Dirge

Fee: $87 if you lot register on or before March xv. $107 if you register after March 15 for all 6 classes. (Registration closes one calendar week before the first day of class. Afterward that date, registrations are not guaranteed. In that location is a $20 surcharge for late enrollments after the course is closed.)

Instructor: Victoria Pulliam

Form description: This course is a 6-session introduction roofing the early history of chant, its importance in the Church & reason for preservation, use in the liturgy, nuts of chant notation, and manner & method of singing. Students will exist instructed on reading notation, song techniques, and pronunciation. Students will gain knowledge of historical Cosmic liturgy, including Mass texts and the Divine Office.

Grade outline:

Day 1: Definition. Origin and early history, why chant is important and why we need to preserve it.

24-hour interval 2: Chant in the liturgy. Sound and visual examples, begin learning to read note.

Day 3: Continuation of education on reading note. Examples of simple and complex settings, discussion of style and method, singing prayerfully.

Day iv: Piece to learn is introduced and examined. Pronunciation guide, students pronounce on mic.

Day five: Practicing reading and singing notation. (Students will be on mic.) Examples of things to watch out for in performing chant.

24-hour interval 6: Practicing the piece to be recorded. Students on mic. Refining the method.

Course materials: Supplemental materials will be provided Costless by the instructor in the form of downloadable documents or websites.

Homework: Recordings to be listened to via our learning management system (Moodle). We will discuss the listening assignments at the first of each class, and participation will exist factored into grading. Extra credit will exist available in the form of short-answer homework on topics covered in grade. Students will submit a video or audio recording of themselves singing the selected chant piece as the terminal assignment.
More than

Starts Starts: 5/xvi/2022 2:30 PM

Ends Ends: five/25/2022 three:30 PM

Sessions Sessions: 6

Pricing Pricing:

Location Location:

Status Status: 4 open up seats left

Class Size Class size: 25 seats

Join professional histrion Kevin O'Brien, known for his piece of work in stage, television, and pic, in this engaging, interactive literature course. Mr. O'Brien comes to class each 24-hour interval dressed equally a different mythological grapheme and presents the solar day'southward lesson as that grapheme. Sign up for Living Myths to acquire the Christian bulletin found in all mythology and find a new dearest for literature, all while having fun.

Total class meetings:


Course dates: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, May 16, 17, xviii, 23, 24, and 25, 2022.

Starting time: 11:30 AM Eastern (x:30 Primal, 9:30 Mountain, viii:30 Pacific)

Elapsing: 45 minutes per form

Prerequisite: None

Suggested class level: 6th to 9th class

Suggested credit: ½ Semester Literature

Fee: $102 if you register on or before March fifteen. $122 if you register later on March 15 for all 6 classes. (Registration closes one week before the start day of grade. Later on that date, registrations are not guaranteed. There is a $twenty surcharge for belatedly enrollments after the course is closed.)

Instructor: Kevin O'Brien

Course clarification: Mr. O'Brien will portray a unlike character from mythology in each grade session. Hear Prometheus tell how he incurred the wrath of Zeus past stealing burn from the heavens and giving it to Man. Hear Theseus tell the tale of killing the Minotaur with the help of the beautiful Ariadne. Hear Aeneas tell the tale of the Trojan War. Hear Orpheus tell of his beloved for Eurydice and his descent into the underworld to save her. And even JRR Tolkien will brand an advent, explaining the Christian significance of all mythology.

Form outline:

Mon, May 16 - Mr. O'Brien presents an Introduction to the Course.

Tuesday, May 17 - Prometheus tells the story of how he stole fire from the heavens and incurred the wrath of Zeus.

Wednesday, May 18 - Theseus tells the story of killing the atrocious Minotaur, with the help of the cute Ariadne.

Monday, May 23 - Aeneas tells the tale of the Trojan State of war.

Tuesday, May 24 - Orpheus tells of his love for Eurydice and his descent into the underworld to save her.

Wednesday, May 25 - JRR Tolkien talks about Mythology in general and how all myths bespeak to Christ.

Course Material: Mythology past Edith Hamilton, ISBN-ten ‏ : ‎ 0446574759 / ISBN-xiii ‏ : ‎ 978-0446574754

Homework: Daily assignments volition consist of reckoner-generated quizzes for firsthand feedback, and a final reflection or essay graded by Mr. O'Brien. Homework should take no more than half an hour per day outside of course time.

Starts Starts: 5/sixteen/2022 11:30 AM

Ends Ends: five/25/2022 12:15 PM

Sessions Sessions: vi

Pricing Pricing:

Location Location:

Class Size Grade size: 28 seats

COVID-19 has consumed our earth. In this course, students will study the science, every bit well as historical affect, of past pandemics.

Full classes:


Grade dates: Monday, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Th, May 16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, and 25, 2022. (No class May 26)

Starting time: iv:00 PM Eastern (3:00 PM Central, 2:00 PM Mountain, ane:00 PM Pacific)

Elapsing: 55 minutes per class

Prerequisite: High school biology recommended only not required

Suggested grade level: 9th and above, advanced middle school students welcome

Suggested credit: ½ credit for Science or Epidemiology

Fee: $87 if yous register on or earlier March 15. $107 after March fifteen for all seven classes. (Registration closes 1 week before the first day of class. After that appointment, registrations are non guaranteed. There is a $twenty surcharge for belatedly enrollments after the form is closed.)

Instructor: Monica Breier

Course description: Learn about some of the dandy and devastating diseases in history! Explore differences in their molecular features as well as how they began, their transmission, and their touch on on the world. Please note that this course volition include discussion on HIV/AIDS.

Class outline:

Monday v/16: Introduction, definitions of disease

Tuesday 5/17: Basic biology of bacteria and viruses, differences

Wednesday 5/18: Bacterial pandemics

Th 5/19: Bacterial pandemics

Monday 5/23: Viral pandemics

Tuesday v/24: Viral pandemics

Wednesday v/25: Form discussion on impacts

Course materials: Note-taking supplies. Everything else is provided free past the teacher.

Homework: Students will fix ii brief (paragraph length) summaries on which viral and bacterial pandemic they believe had the virtually bear upon. For the concluding grade (Midweek 5/25), students are to set up and present a less than iii-infinitesimal summary on which pandemic they believe had the greatest impact. Students will too turn in a minimum v-paragraph essay on the pandemic they believe had the greatest impact.
More than

Starts Starts: 5/16/2022 4:00 PM

Ends Ends: 5/25/2022 v:00 PM

Sessions Sessions: 7

Pricing Pricing:

Location Location:

Status Status: twenty open seats left

Class Size Course size: 25 seats

Due to popular demand, we opened up another session for this course.  Please go here to register: This is an exciting, foundational course that is based on Sean Covey's best-selling book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens." Sign upward to learn how to apply Covey'southward plan to accomplish your goals and dreams, all through the lens of our Cosmic faith. Special NOTES: About the Book:

Sean Covey's book is fantabulous and filled with many brusk vignettes which help to put some "flesh" on each of the 7 habits.  They are very relatable and speak to teens at their level.

A give-and-take of alarm, however, is in order.  The book does not shy abroad from difficult topics and some of the vignettes he uses address serious issues that teens and/or their friends may run across.  These include pre-marital sex, pornography, sexual abuse and date rape, drug use, eating disorders, and suicide.  These issues are non included in a free way, only they are interspersed throughout the book to illustrate how someone following the seven habits should handle these situations.  The volume provides an alphabetize that tin can help betoken you to the pages which cover these topics.

Total course meetings: six

Form dates: Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, May 16, 17, xviii, 23, 24, and 25, 2022

Starting time: 11:thirty AM Eastern (10:30 Central, nine:30 Mount, 8:xxx Pacific)

Duration: 55 minutes per form

Prerequisite: None

Suggested course level: 9th to 12th class

Suggested credit: ½ semester Life Skills

Fee: $77 if you register on or earlier March fifteen. $97 if you annals afterwards March xv for all half-dozen classes. (Registration closes one week before the first 24-hour interval of class. Later on that date, registrations are non guaranteed. There is a $20 surcharge for late enrollments after the form is closed.)

Instructor: Debbie Gaudino, MA

Course description: The purpose of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens is to assistance yous lead your life in an constructive, positive way. Mrs. Gaudino volition guide students through the 7 Habits from a uniquely Catholic worldview.

If you are looking for a toolkit to assistance develop habits that will serve yous for a lifetime, this is the course for you! In these classes we will explore practical means to set priorities, get along improve with parents, teachers, friends and peers, act in accordance with your values (even when everyone else isn't), be more productive, and achieve rest in all areas of your life.

In this course we will use real-life examples, games, team challenges, and other activities to highlight how each of the 7 Habits tin work in your life.

Class outline:

Day 1: What'south in it for me? Intro and overview of the 7 Habits

24-hour interval Two: Habit 1: Be Proactive and Addiction ii: Begin With the Terminate in Mind

Twenty-four hour period Three: Addiction 3: Put Get-go Things First and The Relationship Banking company Account

Mean solar day Four: Habit 4 Think Win-Win and Habit 5: Seek Starting time to Understand, Then to be Understood

Day 5: Addiction 6: Synergize – The value of working together

Day Six: Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw – The importance of balance, renewal and reflection.

Course materials: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens past Sean Covey IBSN: 978-one-4767-6466-5 ( )

Homework: You will accept approximately xx to 30 pages of reading per nighttime from Sean Covey's volume with a short quiz after Days 1 through five based on the reading cloth and class lectures. A one- to two-page reflection paper will be due on the concluding solar day of classes. There will be a nightly "challenge" that will help you utilise each of the habits. The grade breakdown for this grade will exist: Quizzes: 60%, In-Class Participation: 20%, Final Newspaper: 20%


Starts Starts: 5/16/2022 11:30 AM

Ends Ends: 5/25/2022 12:30 PM

Sessions Sessions: half dozen

Pricing Pricing:

Location Location:

Class Size Class size: 25 seats

Come and acquire how the friendship of JRR Tolkien and CS Lewis impacted their literary works likewise as their faith. In exploring the relationship of these 2 men, you will come to a deeper appreciation of their works and also for literary assay - and a deeper appreciation of the role of friendship in the Church. Full class meetings: viii Class dates: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, June 6, seven, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, and 16, 2022. Starting time: 11:30 AM Eastern (10:30 Cardinal, nine:30 Mountain, eight:30 Pacific) Duration: 55 minutes per class

Prerequisite: None

Suggested form level: 9th to 12th grade

Suggested credit: ½ semester credit for Literature

Fee: $117 if you annals on or before March 15. $137 if you lot register later on March 15 for all eight classes. (Registration closes one week before the offset solar day of class. After that date, registrations are not guaranteed. At that place is a $20 surcharge for late enrollments after the course is closed.)

Teacher: Kevin O'Brien

Course clarification: Two of the greatest Christian writers of the 20th century were also close friends - C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien - a friendship that awakened Lewis to the Organized religion. We examine the relationship of these two men, the ups and downs of their friendship, and how they influenced one another'southward writings. How did Lewis assistance Tolkien write The Lord of the Rings? How did Lewis come up to love Christ through his friendship with Tolkien? Why did they grow further apart as friends?

Course outline:

Monday, June vi - A reading of Mr. O'Brien'due south play about Tolkien and Lewis.

Tuesday, June 7 - Selections from Surprised by Joy, the life of C.S. Lewis

Wed, June 8 - Highlights of the life and writings of J.R.R. Tolkien

Thursday, June 9 - Tolkien's "On Fairy Stories" and the Night Talk that influenced Lewis' conversion.

Monday, June 13 - "Mythopoeia" - Tolkien's response to the Night Talk.

Tuesday, June 14 - Lewis as apologist for the Christian Faith.

Wednesday, June 15 - Protestant vs. Catholic: the Organized religion of Lewis vs. the Faith of Tolkien.

Th, June sixteen - Challenges to Friendship - The Inklings and Lewis' marriage.

Class materials: Surprised by Joy, ISBN-10:‎ 0062565435, ISBN-13: 978-0062565433

( ). Other documents, which will be provided free by the Instructor.

Homework: Completing the assigned reading for each class taking a few quizzes completing ane or 2 brusk writing assignments. Homework should be no more than nigh an hour per mean solar day outside of the live form.
More than

Starts Starts: half dozen/6/2022 xi:30 AM

Ends Ends: half dozen/16/2022 12:30 PM

Sessions Sessions: viii

Pricing Pricing:

Location Location:

Status Status: 22 open seats left

Class Size Class size: 30 seats

We all know that video editing, photo editing, cartoon, and animation tools are critical high school computer scientific discipline skills and with this course, you can get learning with Adobe Creative Cloud. Note: Students must purchase/take the Adobe software see below for materials requirements and then y'all tin join in the fun and become ahead in the field of Computer Animation.

Total class meetings: 12

Course dates : Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, June six, seven, 8, 9, xiii, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, and 23, 2022

Starting time : 2:xxx PM Eastern (i:30 Central, 12:30 Mountain, 11:30 Pacific)

Duration : 35-minute live Q&A plus 25-minute pre-recorded lecture per grade meeting

Prerequisite : None, other than owning the correct hardware (run into Class Materials)

Suggested grade level : 8th through 12th form

Suggested credit : 1 full semester Computer Skills or Photo Editing

Fee: $ 157 if you register on or before March 15. $177 after March xv for all twelve classes. (Registration closes one week before the first day of class. Later on that engagement, registrations are not guaranteed. There is a $xx surcharge for late enrollments after the form is airtight.)

Teacher: Margaret (Peggy) Morrow, Ph.D.

Course clarification : Learn to employ the nigh popular Photograph and Video, Drawing, and Animation tools while making fun and creative projects. The skills mastered in the course will help students to successfully produce materials for their other courses both in middle school, high schoolhouse, and on into college. Additionally, they can utilize their skills to fulfill the Keen Committee past creating videos for their church or youth grouping. Students volition learn how to import sound, video, and image files and blend them together to create video productions. To accentuate their video productions, they volition learn how to ingather, layer, blend, bear on-upwardly, and filter images. Finally, they volition learn to draw and create their own images and animations. Through the course, students will also learn how to analyze images that they encounter, and question how they were created and manipulated. Click here to view student created movies.

Class outline:

Course ane – Introduction, Fixing and Enhancing Images

Class 2 – Storyboard, Calculation Media

Class iii – Calculation Shapes and Text, Editing

Class 4 – Filters, Colors, Selections, Layers

Grade 5 – Transitions and Special Effects, Final Video/Photograph Composition

Class half dozen – Final Video/Photo Composition

Class seven – Cartoon

Class 8 – Tweening

Class 9 – Animating

Class 10 – Audio

Class xi – Final Animated Composition

Class 12 – Last Animated Composition

Course materials : Students will need to purchase a one-year Adobe Creative Deject license for $xix.99/month bachelor from Adobe here, https://world wide , or approximately $240 for the commencement year.

This is PC or MAC based and will not install on a Chromebook. Please check the system requirements to ensure that you have the needed hardware. You tin learn more most system requirements here,

Homework : Students can expect to spend 30 to 90 minutes four days per week working on their film, photo, and animated creations. Students volition work each week towards creating a video and blitheness productions that incorporate all the skills learned throughout the course.  Three mini movies will be created during the form with a length of one to 5 minutes. Additionally, students will create 4 photo collages that include images that may exist incorporated into their movies, a set of drawings, and animations. Homework will be graded, and feedback will exist provided. A daily schedule will be provided.


Starts Starts: 6/6/2022 2:thirty PM

Ends Ends: 6/23/2022 3:15 PM

Sessions Sessions: 12

Pricing Pricing:

Location Location:

Status Status: 23 open seats left

Class Size Form size: 30 seats

Ready to get moving? Join this class to learn some bones conditioning techniques and get credit for Physical Education. Come to class with plenty of water at your side and dressed for exercise.

Special Notes : Due to the popularity of this class, it is offered twice in the summertime semester. Sign up for the day and time that works best for your family unit and homeschool.

The early forenoon time of this course is so that students are working out before the summer heat and humidity fix in, making strenuous practise more difficult.

Total class meetings : 8

Class dates and times: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday June 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, xiv, xv, and xvi.

eight:thirty AM Eastern (7:30 Fundamental, vi:30 Mount, five:xxx Pacific)

Elapsing: 45 minutes live grade

Prerequisite: In skilful health, since these exercises will become rigorous. Please see release form beneath.

"I, _______________________________, take enrolled in the intro to Physical Fitness and Heath curriculum/course offered through Homeschool Connections. I recognize that the program may involve strenuous physical activity including, but not limited to, muscle forcefulness and endurance training, cardiovascular conditioning and training, and other various fitness activities. I hereby affirm that I am in good physical condition and practice not suffer from any known disability or condition which would prevent or limit my participation in this practise program. I admit that my enrollment and subsequent participation is purely voluntary and in no way mandated past Homeschool Connections ."

"In consideration of my participation in this programme, I,_________________________, hereby release instructor Kevin Kiernan,  Homeschool Connections and its agents from any claims, demands, and causes of action as a event of my voluntary participation and enrollment." "I fully understand that I may injure myself as a effect of my enrollment and subsequent participation in this program and I, ___________________________________, hereby release teacher Kevin Kiernan,    Homeschool Connections and its agents from whatsoever liability now or in the future for conditions that I may obtain. These conditions may include, simply are not limited to, heart attacks, muscle strains, muscle pulls, musculus tears, broken bones, shin splints, heat prostration, injuries to knees, injuries to the back, injuries to feet, or whatever other illness or soreness that I may incur, including death."


Suggested course level: 8th to twelfth course

Suggested credit: ½ semester Wellness Science or Physical Education

Fee: $97 if y'all register on or before March fifteen. $117 later on March 15 for all eight classes. (Registration closes one week before the first day of grade. After that date, registrations are non guaranteed. At that place is a $20 surcharge for tardily enrollments after the course is closed.)

Instructor: Kevin Kiernan

Class description:   This is a 2-week course roofing health-related aspects of physical fettle including flexibility, cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and body composition.   We will work on developing amend mobility and stability through physical exercises.  While learning nigh the musculoskeletal system and how proper nutrition and exercise benefit that system.

Course outline:

24-hour interval 1: Warmup, squats, leg raises, lunges, stretch exercises / How to warm up / Benefits of Concrete Action, Slumber, and Hydration / Quiz

Mean solar day 2: Warmup, pushups, superman, crunches, stretch exercises / Nutrition and a counterbalanced exercise program / Quiz

Day three: Warmup, shoulder circles, towel curl, narrow pushups, oblique, cool downwardly exercises / How to Increase Aerobic Fitness/risks & benefits of sunglasses / protecting your skin / Quiz

Twenty-four hours 4: Warmup, superman, squats, leg raises, lunges, stretch exercises / Your Muscular Fitness / essential vitamins and minerals / Quiz

Day 5:  Warmup, squats, leg raises, lunges, superman, stretch exercises / Your Flexibility / identifying activated muscles / fat-soluble vs h2o-soluble vitamins / Estrogen vs Testosterone / Quiz

Day 6:  Warmup, crunches, pushups, shoulder circles, stretch exercises / Sharpening Your Functional Fettle/benefits of abdominal strength/benefits of h2o / What is CrossFit? / Quiz

Day 7: Warmup, towel curl, narrow pushups, oblique, stretch exercises / Supplements: What to take and when / effective triceps exercises/sodium fluoride vs calcium fluoride / Quiz

Day 8: Warmup, squats, leg raises, lunges, superman, stretch exercises/ Meeting the Presidential Youth Fitness Program, how to practise leg raises, slumber for recovery, different types of squats, /Quiz and Concluding Exam

Grade materials:  Dumbbells or resistance bands are needed for some exercises. All academic data will exist provided costless by the teacher.

Homework: The live class will be actual concrete exercises for increased mobility and strength.  Nosotros will start with a warmup, stretching, and so muscle development exercises. Students will have daily assigned readings and a daily quiz with a final exam. (The quizzes and exam are auto-graded by the computer.)


Starts Starts: half dozen/half dozen/2022 8:thirty AM

Ends Ends: 6/16/2022 9:15 AM

Sessions Sessions: 8

Pricing Pricing:

Location Location:

Status Status: 23 open seats left

Class Size Course size: 28 seats

Bring together united states of america this summertime for The Tick. No, not the comic book character, but the scourge and bane of hikers, landscapers, fisherman, and hunters. What makes the tick tick? How can we forestall the spread of illness?

Total class meetings: 4

Class dates: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Th, June 6, 7, viii, and 9

Starting fourth dimension: ten:00 AM Eastern (9:00 Central, 8:00 Mountain, 7:00 Pacific)

Duration of each class: 45 minutes

Prerequisite: None

Suggested grade level: sixth to eighth grade

Suggested credit: 1/iii semester Science or Ecology

Fee: $67 if you register on or earlier March 15. $87 if you register later on March 15 for all 8 classes. (Registration closes i week before the first day of form. After that date, registrations are not guaranteed. There is a $20 surcharge for late enrollments subsequently the form is airtight.)

Instructor: MacBeth Derham

Class clarification: Using data from the nigh recent scientific research, we shall piece together the life history of the tick, consider the diseases each species carries, map their probable whereabouts, and consider ways to limit the impact of tick-borne illness on our lives.

Form outline:

Day 1: An overview of tick identification, beliefs, and life cycles

Day 2: Ticks and the animals they love how they interact

Mean solar day 3: How tick-borne diseases are spread geographically over time mapwork

Day 4: Evidence of manual by vector, and how to use the information to stop spread

Course materials: Provided gratuitous by the instructor.

Homework: Using data given during the lecture, students will draw the life cycle of Ixodes scapularis after Twenty-four hour period 1, speculate vectors afterward Day 2, consider vector pressures after Mean solar day 3, and put all of the information together in a short essay after 24-hour interval 4.


Starts Starts: 6/half-dozen/2022 10:00 AM

Ends Ends: 6/nine/2022 10:45 AM

Sessions Sessions: 4

Pricing Pricing:

Location Location:

Status Status: 17 open seats left

Class Size Course size: 25 seats

Accept you e'er found yourself discouraged to see Angels hijacked & distorted by Hollywood and New Historic period followers? In this course, we volition go deep into Angelology and learn what the Church teaches us through Scripture and Tradition. Sign upwardly today to deepen your agreement of Angelology and of the Catholic faith. Total class meetings: 6

Class dates: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, June seven, 8, 9, 14, fifteen, and 16, 2022

Offset: 10:00 AM Eastern (ix:00 Key, viii:00 Mountain, 7:00 Pacific)

Duration: 55 minutes

Prerequisite: None

Suggested course level: 9th to 12th class

Suggested credit: ½ semester Theology

Fee: $77 if you lot annals on or earlier March 15. $97 if you register after March 15 for all 6 classes. (Registration closes one week before the first mean solar day of class. After that date, registrations are not guaranteed. At that place is a $20 surcharge for late enrollments later the course is closed.)

Teacher: Debbie Gaudino, MA

Course description: The being of angels is a topic that intrigues many people. Who are the angels? What makes them different from human beings? What does the Church say about their being, nature, and activity? What about bad angels? Are they real? This course will explore the Church's education on angels based on Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition. It will seek to split the truth from the many myths and misconceptions that abound.

In addition to understanding the Church's teachings on the angels, each class will examine how specific teaching of the class is expressed in the Liturgical and Devotional Life of the Church (banquet days, prayers, devotions) and also in the Sacred Arts of the Church building (paintings, sculpture, statuary, architecture, and music).

Course outline:

Mean solar day One: What are angels? How practice they differ from human beings? What are they able to do and not practice?

Twenty-four hours 2: What do the names of the angels hateful?

Solar day Three: What are the nine choirs of angels? What are the roles particular to each choir?

Mean solar day Four: Who are the three archangels? Where do we meet them in Sacred Scripture? What almost the fallen angels?

Day Five: Who are the Guardian Angels? What relationship should we accept with our Guardian Angel?

Day Half-dozen: What are angelophanies? To which saints take angels appeared? What can we learn about them through these appearances?

Course materials: The Angels: In Catholic Educational activity and Tradition by Rev. Pascal P. Parente IBSN: 978-0-89555-515-1 (
​​ )

Homework and Grading: Approximately xx-30 pages of reading per nighttime from Fr. Parente'south book with a short quiz afterwards Days 1 through five based on the reading material and grade lectures. A ane- to two-page paper will be due on the last day of classes. Students will take a pick from five essay prompts for the paper. The grade breakdown for this course will be: Quizzes: threescore%, In-Form Participation: xx%, Concluding Paper: 20%

More than

Starts Starts: 6/7/2022 ten:00 AM

Ends Ends: half-dozen/16/2022 eleven:00 AM

Sessions Sessions: 6

Pricing Pricing:

Location Location:

Status Status: 20 open seats left

Class Size Class size: 25 seats


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