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Leonardo Dicaprio to Wirk With Christopher Nolan Again

The cast looking out into the world of _Inception._

Leonardo DiCaprio as Dom Cobb in Inception.

When I remember of Christopher Nolan, in that location are several films that stand up out which make me retrieve of what an astonishing managing director and filmmaker he is. Nosotros have classics similar The Dark Knight trilogy, the space-thriller Interstellar, then many others. Only, the one film that stands out to me the near is the 2010 archetype, Inception.

If you lot don't remember the flick, Inception follows the story of a professional thief who steals information by infiltrating the subconscious of all of his targets, and is offered a risk at having his criminal history erased after utilizing that aforementioned technology to plant an idea in someone's mind. I know, just reading that, information technology already feels like your brain is in a blender – but the flick itself was fantastic, and the Inception bandage has been up to plenty since then. From Leonardo DiCaprio to Michael Caine, this what the Inception bandage has been upwardly to since the movie'south iconic release.

Leonardo DiCaprio portraying Dom Cobb near the ending of Inception.

Leonardo DiCaprio (Dom Cobb)

Out of everyone on this list, you nearly likely know the about about Leonardo DiCaprio. He's been in some amazing movies since the very beginning of his career, and that hasn't stopped since his advent equally Dom Cobb in Inception. DiCaprio has appeared in several laurels-winning films, such equally Django Unchained, The Wolf of Wall Street, The Revenant, for which he won the Academy Laurels for All-time Thespian, and the latest Quentin Tarantino moving picture, Once Upon a Time In Hollywood .

Leonardo DiCaprio has also been very active in environmental awareness, fifty-fifty producing Water ice on Fire, a motion-picture show almost global warming. DiCaprio has a new political satire disaster pic, titled Don't Look Up, which is the story of two low-level astronomers who are trying to warn flesh virtually an asteroid that will destroy Earth. He's going to be starring alongside other big stars such equally Jennifer Lawrence, Cate Blanchett, and several others, so information technology's certain to be just every bit intriguing as some of his nearly recent ventures.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt portraying Arthur in Inception.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Arthur)

Moving onto ane of the other main stars of Inception, Joseph Gordon-Levitt has had plenty of piece of work since the picture'south release. He'south starred in Looper, the superhero moving picture The Dark Knight Rises, and washed some vocalism over work in The Wind Rises by Studio Ghibli and the mystery thriller, Knives Out . In 2020, Joseph Gordon-Levitt too had a part in the popular Netflix picture show, Trial of the Chicago 7 .

Moving on in his career, Joseph Gordon-Levitt is going to be stepping into the Disney world with more than voice work, as he is going to exist portraying Jiminy Cricket in the upcoming alive-activity remake of the classic Disney film, Pinocchio . This film, which will also take Tom Hanks as one of his co-stars, doesn't have a ready release date yet, but will debut on Disney+, so be prepared to hear some of Gordon-Levitt'due south crawly acting skills on this take on the fantasy tale.

Elliot (then Ellen) Page as Ariadne in Inception.

Elliot Page (Ariadne)

Elliot Folio has had plenty of changes in his work-life – including some crawly movie and Television set roles. He'southward had a pretty important function in the Play tricks version of X-Men as Kitty Pryde, starred in the Flatliners remake and the 2019 Tales of the City series, and since 2018, has had a main part in the pop Netflix testify The Umbrella Academy .

In the next couple of years, he'll take phonation roles in two animated films, titled Naya Fable of the Golden Dolphin and Robodog, as well as standing his role on The Umbrella Academy in its upcoming tertiary season.

Tom Hardy as Eames in Inception.

Tom Hardy (Eames)

Some other big star who has had a super successful career post-Inception, Tom Hardy has been all over the map of genres in picture. Like Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Tom Hardy as well had a function in The Dark Knight Rises, portraying Blight, the chief villain. For some other action film, Tom Hardy had a starring function in Mad Max: Fury Road, which was nominated for several Academy Awards, as well equally a role in the Christopher Nolan film, Dunkirk .

One of Hardy'southward about recent ventures has been taking on the leading role in the Venom franchise, which has the sequel, Venom: Allow In that location Exist Carnage , coming out in 2021. Forth with several other films that he has coming up, the next couple of years are going to exist filled with interesting films for the popular actor.

Ken Watanabe as Mr. Saito at a dinner in Inception.

Ken Watanabe (Mr. Saito)

Moving onto a grapheme that may not have been as featured, just was even so simply equally important, Ken Watanabe portrayed Mr. Saito expertly and has been plenty busy since the film's release. Recently, Watanabe has had a vocalization function in the Wes Anderson picture, Island of Dogs , as well equally some alive-activeness roles in Godzilla and several of the Transformers movies. He likewise had a part in the Pokemon alive-action film, Pokemon: Detective Pikachu , where anybody'south favorite video game critters came to life.

Coming up in the next couple of years, Ken Watanabe is going to have a vocalism role in an upcoming flick titled Kensuke's Kingdom, as the role of Kensuke himself. He will as well have a principal function in a Television receiver series titled Tokyo Vice, a crime drama that is based on the book of the same proper name.

Dileep Rao as Yusef while planning in Inception.

Dileep Rao (Yusef)

Dileep Rao, while his part was modest in Inception, has kept moderately busy since the film's release. Besides Inception, he'due south had a couple of film roles, one being in the iconic horror film, Drag Me to Hell . However, ane of his master ventures since working on Inception has been taking on the role of Dr. Max Patel in the hitting James Cameron film, Avatar .

While Rao has had a few invitee appearances on TV shows and worked on other films, his primary projection – or rather projects – that he has coming up are the Avatar sequels, in which he volition be portraying the same grapheme. So, when those weird bluish aliens finally decide to bear witness up to theaters after more a decade of beingness abroad, exist certain to go along an eye out for him.

Cillian Murphy as Robert Fischer in Inception on a plane.

Cillian Murphy (Robert Michael Fischer)

For someone whose part wasn't super big in Inception, Cillian Murphy has grown immensely in his interim career. Spud has had plenty of film piece of work in the intervening years, and in several other genres. If you're trying to check out a state of war film, look to Dunkirk , where he shared the screen with Tom Hardy once again. If you're into horror movies, Murphy will be appearing in A Serenity Place: Part II when information technology premiers in May of 2021.

Cillian Potato will likewise accept a office in the upcoming film Kensuke'due south Kingdom aslope Ken Watanabe, and so endeavour to listen in closely to run across if yous tin recognize his voice amid that bandage. However, arguably the biggest parts that Cillian Murphy has had since his role in Inception was his primary role on the Television receiver hit Peaky Blinders , a British period criminal offence drama, for which he was the star. Truly, he is someone who has definitely spread his wings in terms of unlike genres.

Tom Berenger as Peter Browning in Inception.

Tom Berenger (Peter Browning)

Ever since Inception, well-nigh of the cast has kept relatively busy and picked up many films, merely in the instance of Tom Berenger, he's kept his career on the downward-low and relaxed a fleck. That'due south not to say he hasn't still been busy, however – he has simply stuck to smaller films since his fourth dimension on the heed-bending blockbuster.

Tom Berenger had a main role in the direct-to-video franchise Sniper, as well every bit multiple other straight-to-video films likewise. He's also had some invitee appearances on multiple TV shows, such equally Hawaii Five-O and Grooming Mean solar day, the TV serial which was based on the honour-winning movie.

Marion Cotillard as Mal Cobb aiming a gun in Inception.

Marion Cotillard (Mal Cobb)

While her office was really pocket-size in this film, even though Dom was very much connected to Mal emotionally, Marion Cotillard, who was more known for her French roles, broke out into mainstream film success afterwards her English-language role in Inception. Like others on this listing, Cotillard had a part in The Dark Knight Rises , as well as parts in several other big-time hits such as the Academy-Accolade nominated Midnight in Paris , Contagion, and Anchorman 2.

In terms of what she has coming up, Cotillard is going to have a feature role in an upcoming film titled Annette, a musical which will tell the story of a stand up-up comedian (played by Adam Driver) and his world-famous soprano wife, whom Cotillard will portray, and how their girl, named Annette, will change their lives forever. It's most certainly an interesting premise, and I'1000 excited to see what she could bring to this new film, for whenever it is released in the hereafter.

Michael Caine as Professor Stephen Miles at his desk in Inception.

Michael Caine (Professor Stephen Miles)

If y'all wanted to look upwardly a picture of a living movie legend, I'm pretty positive a photograph of Michael Caine would be one of the first images yous see. Not simply did this man take an amazing career prior to his function in Inception every bit Professor Stephen Miles, merely he's also had several other big roles later on the film's release too. For the fourth time mentioned on this listing, Caine had a part in the action film, The Dark Knight Rises (I'grand beginning to meet a trend with Christopher Nolan here), a part in Interstellar, and the 2020 release Tenet .

In terms of other films besides the work of Christopher Nolan, Michael Caine has made appearances in activity films such every bit Journey 2: The Mysterious Island and Kingsman: The Secret Service . And, Michael Caine has a few films planned to come out within the next couple of years, likewise.

Twist, which will be a mod adaption of Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist, Best Sellers, a story most an old writer trying to save a publishing visitor, and Medieval, a fantasy film about a mercenary group that does dirty work for nobles. He is surely going to be a very busy man, and I tin't contain my excitement for some of the crawly projects he has lined upwards.

Which new film are you looking forward to the most? Permit'south just all promise that none of the endings of these new movies are as crazy every bit the Inception ending – I think we would all have a headache after viewing the Christopher Nolan classic again.

Yous can watch Inception on Amazon here.

Alexandra Ramos

Big nerd and lover of Game of Thrones/A Song of Water ice and Fire. Will forever hate season eight. Superhero and horror geek. And please don't contend me on The Last of Us 2, information technology was amazing!


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